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Today happy KLES, navigating happier tomorrows


ESG Management

KLES’s ESG Management

'ESG' refers to the non-financial elements of a company such as Environment, Social, and Governance. Thus, ESG management can be defined from a long-term perspective as pursuing sustainable development through environmentally friendly and socially responsible management and transparent governance.

ESG Management Activities

E : Environment   [a company that works for and with the environment]

esg 경영활동 환경 전략과제, 실행과제에 대한 표입니다.
Strategic objectives Action items
Environment management system enhancement
  • Improving awareness of environment-friendly management
  • Strengthening integration and monitoring of environment management performance at the workplace
Environment-friendly workplace buildup
  • Saving energies (establishment and implementation of energy-saving plans)
  • Expanding new & renewable energy projects
  • Transitioning to a paperless lifestyle
    • Downsizing from 100% to 90% (10% reduction)
  • Utilizing recycled resources
Development of eco-friendly products
  • Improving awareness of environment-friendly management
  • Strengthening integration and monitoring of environment management performance at the workplace

S : Social  [a company that respects people]

esg 경영활동 사회 전략과제, 실행과제에 대한 표입니다.
Strategic objectives Action items
Employee work environment improvement
  • Ensuring compliance with a 52-hour workweek
  • Developing and fostering employee talents
  • Expanding employee welfare benefits
Provision of a safe workplace
  • Advancing occupational health and safety management systems
  • Strengthening awareness of occupational health and safety
Society engagement initiatives
  • Encouraging employees to engage in society outreach and stepping up their administrations
Customer value creation
  • Upscaling product quality to come up to “High Quality”
  • Minimizing design error rates

G : Governance  [a trusted company]

esg 경영활동 지배구조 전략과제, 실행과제에 대한 표입니다.
Strategic objectives Action items
ESG management capabilities reinforcement
  • Building up an ESG management framework
  • Pursuing shared growth with partners
Ethical Business Practices
  • Strengthening integrity and ethics education
  • Reinforcing the transparent management system
Corporate governance transparency and diversity enhancement
  • Improving systems such as reporting mechanisms
  • Developing long-term performance-linked compensation systems