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Laboratory Equipment

Impact Tester

The impact tester is used to evaluate the impact resistance of materials. The toughness and brittleness of materials can be obtained by crushing a specimen and measuring the energy it can withstand until it fractures. This equipment can be fabricated in mechanical or hydraulic. The mechanical impact tester takes the form of a pendulum and is mounted with an anti-rebound device to enable simulation of the impact according to actual load. The hydraulic impact tester can test high loads with more precise impact control than the mechanical type.


  • Test frame with a belt drive and electric system

  • Convenient control system with automatic angle measurement

  • Modular cross head for quick and safe weight replacement

  • Software for detailed impact performance data acquisition, analysis, and report

    • Simultaneous sampling of speed, acceleration, and impact at 2MHz
  • Optional anti-rebound device and environment chamber


제품사양 전자 기계식,정적 유압식에 관련된 표
Mechanical Hydraulic
Impact speed Max. 6.0m/s Max. 10.0m/s
Acceleration Max. 100 ~ 3,000m/s2 Max. 100 ~ 3,000m/s2
Pulse duration range 1 ~ 100ms 1 ~ 100ms

Accessory: Heater

제품사양 전자 기계식,정적 유압식에 관련된 표
Mechanical Hydraulic
Electric energy 6kW 12kW
Voltage 380Vac 1phase 380Vac 3phase
Temperature Max. 400℃ (±5℃) Max. 400℃ (±5℃)
Heating rate 10℃/min 10℃/min

Customized fabrication available according to the requirements.

UI Design


Track records

  • KNFC