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Laboratory Equipment

High Temperature High Pressure Water Chemistry Loop System

The system is used to simulate the critical operation environments of high-temperature and high-pressure in nuclear and thermal power plants. The levels of dissolved oxygen and dissolved hydrogen are adjusted to simulate the optimal experiment conditions similar to that of a power plant.


  • System for safe simulation of the condition's of a nuclear (350°C, 15MPa) or thermal (600°C, 25MPa) power plant

  • Program for real-time measurement and storage of temperature, pressure, and water chemistry conditions (DO, DH, and pH)

  • Safety system to prevent excessive pressure, overheating, gas leakage, and cooling issues

  • System with a stable operation for over one year

  • System for precise and safe control (mass flow controller [MFG]) of argon, hydrogen, and other gases


제품사양 내용,비고에 관련된 표
Description Remarks
Temperature Max. 400℃ Option:  600℃
Pressure Max. 25MPa N/A
DO 0 ~ 20ppb, 0 ~ 1,000ppm N/A
DH 0 ~ 80cc/kg 사용자가 원하는 값으로 조절 가능
Electrical conductivity 0.02 ~ 2,000mS/m Resolution:  ±1%
pH 1.0 ~ 11.0pH Resolution:  0.1

Customized fabrication available according to the requirements.

UI Design

Track records

  • KHNP
  • KHNP
  • KNFC
  • Iljin Steel
  • Dongseo Industry
  • Doosan Heavy Industries & Constr