- Writer : KLES
- Created : 2021.07.08
- Views : 1927
On July 8th (Thursday) at the 11th floor of the Headquarters building, Gwangju Headquarters Customs awarded AEO certificate to newly and re-authorized Excellent Export-Import Safety Management Companies (AEOs) passing the "AEO deliberation committee"
KLES was awarded a new certificate in the exporter sector as a power plant equipment & materials manufacturer. As an AEO authorized company, KLES is expected to gain the advantage of sharpening external competitiveness.
The Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) is a system that grants various benefits in the import-export process, such as express customs clearance, to excellent export-import companies that have been validated and authorized by the Korea Customs Service in accordance with authorizing criteria of law compliance, internal control system, and security management.
The authorization of KLES as an Excellent Export-Import Safety Management Company is supposed to serve as a cornerstone to growing into one of the most actively working companies on the globe. We will continue to give of ourselves until the day KLES become such a company that is recognized and admired not only in Korea but also abroad.