- Writer : KLES
- Created : 2022.03.17
- Views : 1759

KLES participated in "Seoul International Electric Fair & Power Generation Korea 2022", held from March 17 (Thu) to 19 (Sat) at COEX Hall C in Seoul. This exhibition is the largest international exhibition in the field of electricity and power generation industry in Korea. Hosted by the MOTIE, the exhibition was organized by Korea Electrical Manufacturers Association, Korea Smart Grid Association, KEPCO, Big-5 Genco's including Korea South-East Power Co., and COEX.
Recently, as citizens' awareness of the environment has been driven up, R&D is actively progressing in close cooperation between the government and companies. In line with these changes, KLES has been steadily preparing itself in the field of the safety and environmental industries for a long time.
SKYFFOLDING™ Systems, the flagship brand of KLES, where Safe & Secure ISM system can be applied augmentedly, together with Carbon-Neutral products such as Agrivoltaic power generation system and Fine-dust reduction system were showcased.
KLES cooperated with KOTRA to support SMEs who are having difficulties in developing overseas businesses due to the coronavirus, and participated in the 'one-on-one online export consultation with overseas buyers' over 100 companies from 40 countries, 'Technology exchange meeting with customers invited, and 'Big-5 Genco integrated purchase consultation'
Despite the spread of the Coronavirus Omicron variant, it was an exhibition that revitalized the shrunken power industry as many people attended. KLES will push ahead with research and advancement for the environment to become a company that puts the environment first - "for the environment by eco-friendly technologies".