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KLES Gets 2022 Leisure-Friendly Company Certification
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2022.11.01
  • Views : 1526
KLES Inc. has been singled out as the "2022 Leisure-Friendly Certification Company" by running the leisure-friendly system in the Leisure-Friendly Certification Project organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.


​What is the 'leisure-friendly certification system'?

It is a system that selects, certifies, and supports companies and organizations that provide exemplary support and management so that workers can balance work and leisure life.


​This certification is conducted through preliminary evaluation of various items, surveys, and internal employee interviews. Selected companies will receive various benefits along with rewards, for the company to promote the business and the workers to take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the cultures.


We believe that providing an environment where employees can balance work and leisure life is a shortcut to enhancing work efficiency and performance. KLES will give of itself to creating a working environment for a good workplace and a good work-life balance, along with introducing a good variety of cultural programs.


Together with KLES, Forward with KLES


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