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KLES Installs ‘Bus Stop’ in Guri City, Leaving No Concerns About Fine Dust
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2021.04.19
  • Views : 1329


Bus stops are the spots where citizens stopping by are to be most severely exposed to the fugitive dust and fine dust on the roadside. Since citizens waiting at bus stops are directly exposed to fine dust and soot, there is a system developed to block them and create a healthy and comfortable environment. It is a 'Fully open fine-dust reduction bus stop'.


On Monday, April 19, 2021, a fully open fine-dust reduction bus stop was installed at the central-lane bus stop in front of Hanyang University Guri Hospital in Guri City, Gyeonggi Province.


This system is a research project product selected as a national R&D project of KEITI (the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute) under the Ministry of Environment in 2018, which was finally completed after 3 years of technology development efforts.


In virtue of this development of the system, citizens who used to be suffering from fine dust and soot on the street can get on public transportation more safely with confidence.


With this R&D achievement as a stepping stone, KLES will be shaping up into a company that practices the 'Green New Deal' doctrine in front by expansively discovering and commercializing derivative technologies for reducing fine dust.


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