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Together with KLES, Forward with KLES

Today happy KLES, navigating happier tomorrows



2020 Kick-off Ceremony for Strong Sprint
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2020.01.06
  • Views : 1204
2020 kick off
On January 6, 2020 (Monday), KLES held a Kick-off Ceremony for a strong sprint in 2020. 


KLES proclaimed a new vision to run the year in 2020 through the ceremony and pledged that all KLES mates would work together to achieve the goal.


Under the mission to create "Consequential products and technologies of the world and for the world" in 2020, KLES mapped out grand design in details, which are 'Building up a communication and cooperation system', 'Founding professional manpower cluster and infrastructure', 'Forging out a new industry advancing the future technology', 'Leading the implementation of social value', and 'Scaling up the overseas business'.


To this end, we have set up strategic drives of Challenging spirit, Talentism, and Wellbeing workplace, for which taking steps to carry through to consequently shape ourselves into the company that customers wholly trust.


At the place, putting forward a new slogan "Together KLES, Valuable KLES", KLES has made a challenging promise that KLES mates will grow all together, going after the values of consideration, co-prosperity, and interdependence shoulder to shoulder. 


Together KLES, Valuable KLES‼


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