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Mind & Body Picnic _Herb Pot Making
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2023.11.27
  • Views : 796


KLES Inc. put on the third session of the Workplace-linked cultural activity support program on November 27.
As the event kicked off, in front of each team were placed a spectrum of herbs such as Rosemary, Lavender, Lemon balm, Thyme, and Mint. Amidst meditative music and a quiet atmosphere, our mates crafted their own beautiful herb mandalas, demonstrating concentration and dedication.
After spending about 10 minutes creating mandalas, they had time to introduce their own mandalas, sharing the unique and precious interpretations each mandala held for them.
Next, it was time to choose between Rosemary and Mint to create personalized herb pots.
After selecting the more favorite herb, they filled the pots with soil and stones to make up herb pots, giving each pot a special name.
Each showcased their individuality and creativity in naming their own pots.
The event ended up with a commemorative photo shoot.
The cultural activity on this day, immersed in the subtle fragrance of herbs, provided a special moment that melted away the accumulated fatigue of the employees.
In 2022, KLES was awarded certification as a 'Leisure-Friendly Company' by the government.
Through throwing cultural events aimed at increasingly building up a cultural environment structure for employees to enjoy a happy life either at work or at home, KLES unchangingly remains devoted to family-friendly management down the road.

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