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"A Day with Culture 2023" coming along with Five-senses Experiences
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2023.09.25
  • Views : 904



On September 25th, KLES celebrated "A Day with Culture" by hosting a "Five-senses Experience" event.


Due to the nature of company work, it is often required that its employees engage in off-site business trips and extended periods of high-intensity fieldwork beyond the regular season. In an effort to relieve employee fatigue and stress, ramp up psychological wellness among employees, and enhance internal networking, the company organized this event.


In the event, over 15 mates participated in creating badges and diffusers.


KLES obtained the ‘Leisure-Friendly Company’ certification from the government in 2022. The company is dedicated to creating institutional and cultural environments that allow employees to enjoy a happy life either at work or at home. KLES will go on to focus on family-friendly management in the future as well.


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