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KLES, 2023 Year-End Ceremony Held
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2023.12.29
  • Views : 827

On December 29, 2023, the year-end ceremony to wrap up the year 2023 took place at the headquarters of KLES Inc.

The event proceeded in the following order: ‘2023 Achievement presentation’, ‘Watching the 2023 recap video’, ‘Year-end address’, and ‘Greetings between employees’


After the presentation of the company's achievements in 2023, a recap footage was shown, followed by year-end speeches from the executives.

In his year-end address, CEO Cho Sun-young expressed his gratitude, saying, “I feel very grateful to all executives and employees who successfully concluded the year 2023 despite challenging surroundings at home and abroad.”

All KLES mates in attendance wound up the year-end ceremony by exchanging New Year's greetings.​​

KLES is spiritually committed to facing the challenges of 2024 with the energy of a soaring dragon, striving to achieve even better results.


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