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Celebrating Parents' Day with "Love Flower Balloon Making"
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2023.05.02
  • Views : 1158


KLES, a Leisure-Friendly Company, celebrated Parents' Day by organizing the "Love Flower Balloon Making Event" on May 2nd. The event aimed to promote respect and filial piety towards parents and express gratitude.

​Approximately 20 participants took part in the event, where they had the opportunity to create flower balloons using carnations and various materials.  The event created a friendly and interactive atmosphere, with the participants engaging in conversations while making their flower balloons.


​In 2022, KLES received government certification as a "Leisure-Friendly Company." The company consistently organizes events to establish a support system and a cultural environment that allows employees to enjoy a happy life both at work and at home.


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