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19th Birthday of KLES, Draw Event in memories
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2023.01.26
  • Views : 1181

Last January 26th (Thu.) was the day our KLES celebrated the 19th birthday of the company. A very special event took place to commemorate the founding anniversary.


For the celebration, we prepared a “Draw Event in memories” where all mates can enjoy taking part happily, breaking away from the conventional format for the anniversary event. It brings back a touch of nostalgia by reproducing the draw game that used to be played at the stationery store as a child. If there is a difference from the game we used to play young, it is that there is no blank draw.


At the event, CEO, Cho Sun-young went, "It must be hard, but everyone does their best, and we look forward more to the 20th anniversary of therewith becoming an adult next year."


KLES will not spare ourselves to be an always joyful company with colorful events that can afford to recharge the morale of every KLES mate going through the hassle and bustle of daily life.



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