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'TAEAN-gun BANGAL 1-ri Agrivoltaic Power Plant’ Completion Ceremony Held
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2023.06.14
  • Views : 1023

completion ceremony


On the 14th (Wed) June, a completion ceremony was held in Taean-gun for the 'Bangal 1-ri Agrivoltaic Power Plant', as a resident support project for Agrivoltaic Power by KEPCO. Agrivoltaic power generation is a system that can cultivate green crops and green energies compatibly.
​​The project initiative aims to expand eco-friendly renewable energy by implementing Agrivoltaic power systems and create additional income opportunities for aging farmers who are forced to downsize their farming scale due to getting aged.
This project is expected to provide a new source of income for rural areas going through a situation where the scale of farming is gradually shrinking in the face of labor shortages caused by aging and population decline.
The revenue generated from Agrivoltaic power will be utilized for community development. KLES is and will be fully committed to further promoting the expansion of Agrivoltaic power down the road as well.
Together with KLES, Forward with KLES

