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"A Briquette Sharing Event" to bring warmth to this frozen year-end
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2021.12.15
  • Views : 1896

briquette sharing event 2021


December 15, 2021 (Wednesday), as the cold weather is on the rise, KLES and the 'Small Love Sharing Campaign Headquarters' volunteered an outreach to share briquettes of love to help neighbors in need get through the warm winter.
On the day, 350 briquettes were delivered to two households. Community outreach is one of the vital roles of a socially responsible company, and we hope this volunteer work will be of some help to the neighbors.
Going forward, KLES shall keep on engaging in various social contribution activities and helping spread a culture of sharing in the local community. And I want all of us to be those who breathe a heart-warming warmth into someone's heart.