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KLES acquired Intellectual Property Management Certification
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2021.12.10
  • Views : 1867
KLES received intellectual property (IP) management certification from the Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office on December 10, 2021 (Fri). This certification is granted only to SMEs that are performing exemplary intellectual property management activities by evaluating 10 items, including the number of domestic and foreign industrial property rights holdings, identification and utilization of intellectual property trends, and R&D personnel and investment. Hence, this is a very meaningful certification for a technology-driven SME. The validity period of the certification is 3 years and can be extended through re-examination.
IP management certification run by the Korea Invention Promotion Association is awarded to Excellent SMEs who are managing to drive up corporate values by generating profits through business strategies that utilize IP such as patents, utility models, trademarks, and trade secrets as corporate assets.
The main purpose of this certification is to spread IP management as a sort of universal management method for SMEs, along with scaling up the reliability of IP management companies.
Companies that have obtained IP management certification can be favored with various benefits from the Korean IP Office, the Ministry of SMEs & Startups, the Public Procurement Service, KOBACO, and SGI.
​Based on its know-how and R&D innovation, KLES will continue to strive to enhance the company's competitiveness through securing IP as many as possible. In addition, we will be reborn as a company armed with the best product and quality on the ground of its distinctive competencies.