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2022 KLES / WBW / GU "One Heart Sports Festival"
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2022.06.24
  • Views : 1578

2022 sports festival

On June 24, 2022 [Fri.], KLES Inc. held the '2022 KLES/WBW/GU One Heart Sports Festival' at its headquarters in Munji-dong to have time to enjoy, communicate, and harmonize with its subsidiaries WBW and GU. The event was re-held three years after the breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, it was conducted indoors due to rain news
​Various indoor sports and recreation activities had been prepared so that KLES-mates, who had suffered from very limited group activities, could run and enjoy themselves as much as they wanted through this sports competition. In line with the company motto of KLES, the teams taking part were named the Communication team and the Harmony team to compete.
​Applause and cheers poured out from the cheering seats as they rooted for their team to win with one heart, who competed fairly and played out ahead and behind, and showed their skills to the fullest for each other. The atmosphere heated up with shouts full of enthusiasm, as if shaking off burdens of the body and mind.
​The sports competition ended up with the MVP award. The Communication team with excellent scores in all matches became the final winner.
It was a 'One Mind Sports Festival' where everyone could harmonize and get along happily by relieving the stress accumulated over the years with a variety of things to play and watch, cooperate or compete with each other regardless of victory or defeat.
​KLES&WBW&GU! Thank you all for your hard efforts!