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2022 Art-Comma: Announcement of winners of HAHOE Mask Handcrafting Contest
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2022.07.11
  • Views : 1514
KLES Inc. held ≪2022 Art-Comma≫ for employees to enjoy with their families in celebration of Family Month in May. This art festival was held under the theme of ≪HAHOE Mask Handcrafting Contest≫ to pick up on Korean history and culture, experiencing the traditional cultural event.

A total of 17 employees showed off their artistic spirit.

​The Grand Prix was awarded to Deputy G/Mgr. Oh Jo-young's child, Oh Yoo-geun, who prepared a meaningful work with his father.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the 2022 Art-Comma -- Contact-free In-house <>, hoping this will be an opportunity for KLES mates to experience and enjoy the traditional culture and to find rest from tiring work and the heat in season.

■ HAHOE Mask in-house exhibition period

- Exhibition Schedule: July 11 (Mon) - November 30 (Wed), 2022

- Exhibition space: Cultural space TEUIM


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