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KLES Academy, a Refreshed Restart!
  • Writer : KLES
  • Created : 2022.07.20
  • Views : 1591



KLES resumed the "KLES Academy - Piping Management Professionals Training Course", which had been suspended due to the spread of Corona 19 in two years. This piping curriculum was held at the "KLES Academy" at the KLES headquarters (Munji-dong) from July 20th (Wed) to 22nd (Fri), with a total of 18 trainees: 7 of Korea South-East Power Co., 1 of Korea Southern Power Co., Ltd., 2 of Korea Midland Power Co., Ltd., and 8 KLES mates attended.
What is KLES Academy?
In October 2011, it was established under the name of “KPTC_ Korea Piping Training Center” with the goal of nurturing experts in the field of power plant piping, and in December 2019, it was renamed ‘KLES Academy’. It is an institution that provides various training curriculums that are prepared for power plant piping practitioners either at home or abroad, focusing on what they need to catch on to both in theory and practice.
I Schedule of Piping Professionals Training Course in the second half of 2022
2022. 08. 31 ~ 09. 02 _3 days.
2022. 09. 21 ~ 09. 23 _3 days
2022. 10. 19 ~ 10. 21 _3 days
2022. 11. 16 ~ 11. 18 _3 days
2022. 12. 14 ~ 12. 16 _3 days
※ The courses above are scheduled and subject to change depending on the situation.
The 'KLES Academy' will put more effort into turning out piping professionals for setting up safer working sites and stepping up the skills of piping practitioners.
Thank you for your valuable interest and encouragement as always.